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Advanced filter - Excel

How to practically at Advanced filter Excel

Advanced filter in Czech language: Rozšířený filtr - Excel - česká verze

Introduction to advanced filter

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Advanced Filter for effectively filter (select) data. For various analyzes, search, selection of data. If you can do using basic filter, is a little more complicated.

Theme is divided into the chapters:


Advanced filter Excel example

Advanced filter in Ribbon

Excel 2013/2010

Ribbon Data: Advanced Filter

On the Ribbon Data click at Advanced. You will receive a dialog box: Advanced Filter.

Dialog: Advanced Filter

Ribbon Data: Advanced Filter

The dialog Advanced Filter

  • Actions - where copy
    • Filter the list, in-place - copy to the some Table
    • Copy to another location - I recommend using the result of the copy in a separate table
  • List range: - Table of data which are Filtered
  • Criteria range: - enter the criteria (the value that we find)
  • Copy to: - where you want copy to another location
  • Unique records only - if you do not see duplicate records

Note: Inserting the area, including column names.

Operators and Special Characters

For filters can be used operators (marks) and special characters.


  • = equals
  • < less
  • > more
  • <= less equals
  • >= more equals
  • Not equal

Special Characters

  • * - few characters (even zero)
  • ? - one character
  • ~ - search for special characters in the text as *,?,~

Note: If you need to filter the exact name must be used:


Filters only the word Text


Filters word Text, Texty, Text1, ...

More in the following examples.

Source data

In the practical examples will use the following table.

ID Name Date Season
1 Pavel 1.2.2015 spring
2 John 2.2.2015 summer
3 Jane 3.2.2015 autumn
4 Jone 4.2.2015 winter
5 Ivone 5.2.2015 winter
6 Pivone 6.2.2015 winter
6 Pivone 6.2.2015 winter
8 Jane 8.2.2015 winter

Praktical Example

List of practical examples:

  • 01 Filter all data
  • 02 Filter one parameter
  • 03 Filter more parameters (one column)
  • 04 Filter range in parameters (one column)
  • 05 Filter range more parameters (one column)
  • 06 Filter text (one column)
  • 07 Filter only said text (one column)
  • 08 Filter text which contains value (one column)
  • 09 Filter find special Characters in text (one column)
  • 10 Filter value (more column)

01 Filter all data

Ribbon Data: Advanced Filter

Filter all data from ID

Example 01


02 Filter one parameter

Ribbon Data: Advanced Filter

Filter one parameter from column ID

Example 02

ID 1

03 Filter more parameters (one column)

Ribbon Data: Advanced Filter

Filter more parameters from column ID

Example 03

ID 1 3 5

04 Filter range in parameters (one column)

Ribbon Data: Advanced Filter

Filter range in parameters from column ID. In Example all values larger than 5.

Example 04

ID >5

05 Filter range more parameters (one column)

Ribbon Data: Advanced Filter

Filter more parameters from column ID. In Example all values larger than 2 or values less equal 6.

Example 05

ID ID >2 <=6

06 Filter text (one column)

Ribbon Data: Advanced Filter

Filter text in column Name. In Example all values whith "Pivone". Caution filter find also Pivone, Pivonek, ...

Example 06

Name Pivone

07 Filter only said text (one column)

Ribbon Data: Advanced Filter

Filter text in column Name. In Example all values whith "Pivone". Find only "Pivone".

Example 07

Name ="=Pivone"

08 Filter text which contains value (one column)

Ribbon Data: Advanced Filter

Filter text in column Name. In Example all values whith "ivone". Find Pivone, Ivone, Pivonek .

Example 08

Name *Ivone*

09 Filter find special Characters in text (one column)

Ribbon Data: Advanced Filter

Filter text in column Season. Find *

Note: The source table is modified.

Ribbon Data: Advanced Filter

Example 09a 09b

Season *~* or Season winter~*

10 Filter value (more column)

Ribbon Data: Advanced Filter

Filter text in column Name. In Example all values whith "ivone". Find Pivone, Ivone, Pivonek .

Example 10

ID Season 6 winter
Microsoft Excel VBA - stahuj logo


File Advanced filter practically example Excel file in *.xls free download.

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Článek byl aktualizován: 19.09.2020 10:56


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Pavel Lasák

Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Google tabulky, PowerPoint) se věnuji od roku 2000 (od 2004 na této doméně) - V roce 2017 jsem od Microsoft získal prestižní ocenění MVP (zatím jsem jediný z ČR v kategorií Excel). Své vědomosti a zkušenosti dávám k dispozici i on-line ve videích pro SEDUO. Ve firmách školím a konzultuji, učím na MUNI. Tento web již tvořím přes 15 let. Zdarma je zde přes 1.000 návodu, tipů a triků, včetně přes 250 různých šablon, sešitů.

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